Magento 2 Multi Vendor Marketplace

Table of Contents

  1. Extension Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Backend Management
  4. Vendor Registration
  5. Vendor Account Management
  6. Multi Vendor Marketplace on Frontend
  1. Extension Installation
  • For Magento Marketplace Customers
    • Find the Composer name and version of the extension in the extension’s composer.json file.
    • Login to your SSH and run:
      • composer require meetanshi/magento-2-multi-vendor-marketplace
    • Enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.
    • Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.
    • To verify that the extension installed properly, run the command:
      • php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_Marketplace
    • By default, the extension is probably disabled.
    • Enable the extension and clear static view files:
      • php bin/magento module:enable Meetanshi_ Marketplace --clear-static-content
      • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
      • For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
      • For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
      • php bin/magento cache:flush
  • For Meetanshi Customers
    • Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.
    • Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:
      • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
      • For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
      • For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
      • php bin/magento cache:flush


  1. Configuration
    To configure the Magento 2 Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, log into Magento 2 admin panel, and go to Stores à Configuration à Marketplace, and configure the following settings for the extension:

General Settings:

  • Multi-vendor Marketplace: Enable the multi-vendor marketplace extension from here.
  • Admin Name: Enter the name for the store admin, which will be used in the communication mails with the vendors and at other places.
  • Admin Email Id: Enter the email address of the store admin, which will be used for sending the communication with the vendors and for receiving the notifications.
  • Admin Commission Rate (in%): Set the commission rate (in percentage) for the vendor orders. For e.g., 2%.
  • Seller Profile Link Text: Enter the link text you want to use for the seller profile link on the product pages.
  • Allow Sellers to Manage Orders: Choose whether you want to allow the vendors to manage their orders in the marketplace or not.
  • Move Product Tax to Seller? Choose whether you want to pass the tax collected from customers to sellers for the vendor products or not.
  • Admin Approval for Seller Accounts: Select ‘Yes’ to make admin approval required for new vendor accounts.
  • Enable Captcha on Contact Seller Form: Choose whether you want to display Google CAPTCHA on the become a seller form to reduce the spam registrations.
  • Offer Google Analytics Tracking to Vendors? Select ‘Yes’ to allow the vendors to add their own GA tracking code to their storefronts.
  • Display TnC on Become a Seller Form? Choose whether to show the terms and conditions on the become a seller form in the marketplace.
  • Select Block for Seller Terms and Conditions: Select the respective block, which will be used to display the terms and conditions on the become a seller form.
  • Customer Groups: Select the customer group for the marketplace vendors.

Seller Dashboard Layout Settings:

Customize the seller dashboard by showing a custom logo image.

  • Logo Image for Seller Dashboard: Choose the logo image to display in the seller dashboard.
  • Logo Image Alternate Text: Enter the ALT text for the logo image.

Seller Flags:

The Multi-vendor marketplace extension offers seller flagging feature. Here, the customers can flag inappropriate sellers to keep the marketplace clean.

  • Enable: Select ‘Yes’ to enable the seller flagging feature.
  • Seller Flag Link Text: Enter the text for the flag seller link, which will be displayed on the frontend.
  • Guests Can Flag: Choose whether you want to allow the guest customers to flag sellers or not.
  • Reason: Choose whether you want to allow the customers to select/enter reasons for flagging.
  • Accept Other Reasons: Choose whether to allow customers to enter a custom reason for flagging the seller.

Seller Product’s Settings:

Fully control the products vendors can sell in the marketplace. You can select the allowed categories, product types, and more.

  • Attribute Set ID: Select the default attribute set ID for the vendor products.
  • Admin Approval for New Products: Select ‘Yes’ to make the admin approval required for admin to add new products.
  • Admin approval for Updates in Products: Select ‘Yes’ to make the admin approval required for updating products by vendors.
  • Display Product Categories in Tree View (like admin): Select ‘Yes’ to display the product categories in tree view, just like it is shown to the admin.
  • Allowed Product Categories for Sellers: Enter the IDs of product categories allowed for the vendors, separated by commas.
  • Product Type for Seller: Select which types of products can vendors sell in the marketplace.
  • Allow Sellers to Add Related Products: Select ‘Yes’ to allow the vendors to add related products to their products.
  • Allow Sellers to Add Up-Sell Products: Select ‘Yes’ to allow the vendors to add products for up-selling.
  • Allow Sellers to Add Cross-Sell Products: Select ‘Yes’ to allow the vendors to add products for cross-selling.
  • Maximum Allowed Quantity Per Product for Customers: Limit the number of product quantities a customer can order per product.

Product Flagging Settings:

The product flagging feature enables the customers to report inappropriate products. You can enable this feature and configure the following settings:

  • Enable: Select ‘Yes’ to enable the product flagging feature for the customers.
  • Flag Product Link Text: Set the text for the link to flag the product, which will be displayed on the front end.
  • Allow Guest Customers to Flag Products? Choose whether the guest customers can flag products or not.
  • Reason: Select ‘Yes’ to allow the customers to select/enter reason for flagging a product.
  • Accept Other Reasons: Select ‘Yes’ to let customers enter any other reason for flagging a product.
  • Placeholder for Other Reasons’ Field: Enter the placeholder text for the other reason field.

Minimum Order Amount Settings:

You set a minimum order amount and configure its settings from the backend.

  • Enable: Select ‘Yes’ to set a minimum order amount value.
  • Minimum Order Amount (Default Value): Enter the default minimum order amount value for all the vendors.
  • Amount Value for Seller: Choose whether to use the default value for all vendors, if not set.

Free Shipping Settings:

Enable the free shipping feature for the customers and set the minimum order amount value.

  • Enable Free Shipping: Select ‘Yes’ to offer free shipping on the orders.
  • Minimum Order Amount: Set the minimum order amount value to get free shipping for the customers.

 Seller Profile Page Settings:

You can display the seller profile on the frontend and customize it.

  • Display Seller Profile: Select ‘Yes’ to display the seller profile on the frontend.
  • Banner Image: Upload the banner image for the vendor profile on the frontend.
  • Enable Seller Privacy Policy on the Frontend: Select ‘Yes’ to display the privacy policy on the seller profile page.
  • Display Featured Seller on the Frontend: Select ‘Yes’ to display the featured sellers on the frontend.

Marketplace Review Settings:

Accept Reviews from Only Verified Customers? Select ‘Yes’ to allow only verified customers of the product to write reviews.


Landing Page Settings:

Display a Marketplace Landing page on the frontend and customize its content.

  • Display Marketplace Link in Frontend Header: Select ‘Yes’ to display the marketplace link in the store’s header.
  • Marketplace Landing Page Title: Set the title of the marketplace landing page.
  • Display Banner: Select ‘Yes’ to display a banner on the marketplace landing page.
  • Banner Image: Upload the banner image for the marketplace landing page.
  • Banner Heading: Enter the heading text for the banner image on the marketplace page.
  • Banner Content: Enter the content for the banner.
  • Second Section Heading: Enter the heading for the second section on the marketplace page.
  • Second Section Content: Enter the text content to display on the second section of the marketplace landing page.
  • Second Section 1st Block Image: Upload the image to show in the first block of the second section.
  • Second Section 1st Block Heading: Enter the heading text for the first block of the second section.
  • Second Section 1st Block Content: Enter the text content for the first block of the second section.

Similarly, you can customize content for up to four sections in the marketplace landing page.

Sitemap Settings:

You can choose whether to include the vendor URLs in the store’s sitemap or not. You can also set their priorities.

  • Include Seller URLs in Sitemap? Choose whether to include the vendor URLs in the store sitemap or not.
  • Seller’s Collection URL Frequency: Set the change frequency of vendors’ collection URLs.
  • Seller Profiles’ Priority: Set the priority of the vendor URLs in the store sitemap, from 0 to 1.0.


Field Hints in Profile Settings for Vendors:

You can enable the field hints for seller profile. Set the hints for various fields in the seller profile, such as Shop URLs and Social Media Profiles.

Marketplace Emails:

Set the email sender contact for various communication emails. Select the email templates for various emails to vendors and store admin.


  1. Backend Management

In the backend, the store admin can manage the entire marketplace. The extension allows you to manage the following sections:


Manage Products

The Meetanshi Marketplace à Manage Product grid lists all the products added by the vendors in the marketplace. You can approve or unapproved the product and manage them individually or through bulk action.


Manage Sellers

The Meetanshi Marketplace à Manage Seller grid lists all the seller accounts in the marketplace. You can approve the new seller accounts or unapprove the old ones from here. This grid also supports the mass action feature.


Manage Commission

The Meetanshi Marketplace à Manage Commission grid lists all the details of the commission earned from the vendors in the marketplace, such as Total Sales, Received Amount, Admin Commission, and Last Paid Amount.


Seller Transactions

The Meetanshi Marketplace à Manage Transaction grid provides the history of transactions (payments to vendors.) This includes the transaction ID, amount, payment type, and method.


Manage Feedback

The Meetanshi Marketplace à Manage Feedback grid lists all the reviews left by customers in the marketplace. You can approve new reviews or unapproved the old ones from here. You can also perform a mass action to approve/unapproved reviews in bulk.


Product Flag Reason

For the flag product feature, you can manage all the reasons through the Meetanshi Marketplace à Product Flag Reason grid.


You can also add new reason or edit the existing ones in the Product Flag Reason grid.


Seller Flag Reason

For the flag product feature, you can manage all the reasons through the Meetanshi Marketplace à Seller Flag Reason grid.


You can also add new reason or edit the existing ones in the Seller Flag Reason grid.


Create or Modify Vendor Products in Admin

The store admin can create and edit the vendor products from the Catalog à Products section. In the product edit section, you can assign a specific seller to the product using the Select Seller option.


Similarly, you can also modify the vendor profile details from the Customers grid.

  1.  Vendor Registration
    New vendors can find the seller registration link in the store header, if configured from the backend.

Sellers can submit their vendor account request by filling up the basic details, such as first & last names, email, and store URL.

  1. Vendor Account Management

Once, the seller account is approved by the admin, the seller can log into their account and find the vendor dashboard.

Seller Dashboard
The intuitive dashboard provides an overview of the account with information, such as total sales, total payout, remaining amount, sales by country, recent orders, and much more.



Seller Profile Details

The vendors can edit their profile information from their account. These details include social media handles, contact details, payment information, minimum order amount, GA tracking, etc.

The payment information can be anything, for e.g., SWIFT/BIC number to help the admin process the payments.


Add a New Product

The vendor can easily add a new product to their store in the marketplace from the Add Product section. The vendor can select default Product Attribute Set and Product Type.


The vendor can enter all the details of the product, including the product images, price, SKU, etc. and add the product.


Create an Attribute

The vendor can define an attribute for the configurable products. They can easily add the attribute code, label, and other details.


List Products

The vendors can get the list of all the products listed in the marketplace through a separate grid in their account. Here, they can delete or edit the products in their store.



Product Report

The vendors can generate a product sales report for a specific date range from their account. They can also export the report to a .csv file.


Order Report

The vendors can generate a complete sales report for a specific period. They can also export the report to a .csv file.


Order History

The vendor can view all the historical orders, and check status of any order by Id in the backend. They can also download invoice and shipping slips of the orders in bulk.



The vendors can get details of all their marketplace customers. This includes details such as customer name, email, phone number, address, total sales, and number of orders.


My Transaction

The vendors can keep track of the payouts from the store, and get details of all the previous transactions through a separate dashboard. The vendor can also get transaction details by date range or find a transaction by Id.


Earning Report

The vendors can generate an earnings report for a specific period. They can track their earnings from the marketplace through a visually appealing graph. This report can also be exported to .csv file.


Notification Message

In the notifications section, the vendors can find all the important notifications received from the admin side. For e.g., product approved, product rejected, order placed, etc.


In the reviews section, the vendors can see all the feedbacks left by the customers on their products, along with their statuses, i.e., approved or not by the admin.

Manage Print PDF Header Info

The vendors can customize the header text of all the PDF files printed for their store.


  1.  Multi Vendor Marketplace on Frontend
    Once the extension is enabled and configured properly, the customers can find the marketplace link in the header.

    The marketplace landing page layout displays all the details as configured by the admin in the backend.

    First Section
    If enabled, the landing page displays a banner along with a heading and text.

    Second Section
    The second section displays the heading, text, and the blocks as configured from the backend. The admin can upload custom images and customize the heading and content for each of these blocks.

    Third Section
    The third section lists all the sellers in the marketplace with a link to explore their products and a button to view all brands.

    Success Numbers & Testimonials
    The last section on the marketplace landing page displays the success numbers and text configured from the backend and displays real custom reviews.