Table of Content
- Extension Installation Guide
- Configuration
- Payment Method in Frontend
- Payment Details in Order View Backend
- Payment Method for Backend Order
- Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.
- Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:
- composer require lcobucci/clock --ignore-platform-reqs
- composer require lcobucci/jwt --ignore-platform-reqs
- composer require authorizenet/authorizenet --ignore-platform-reqs
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
- php bin/magento cache:flush
- Configuration
For configuring the extension, login to Magento 2, move to Stores à Configuration à Sales à Payment Methods à CIM - Meetanshi, where you can find various settings to configure the extension.
- Debug: Select YES to enable debug.
- Sandbox Mode: Set YES to enable sandbox mode for the payment gateway.
- Login ID: Enter login ID received while registration with payment gateway.
- Transaction Key: Enter transaction key received while registration with payment gateway.
- Client Key: Enter client key received while registration with payment gateway.
- Signature Key: Enter signature key received while registration with payment gateway.
- Visa Checkout:
- Enabled: Enable visa checkout payment method from here.
- Title: Enter title for the visa checkout method to show in the frontend.
- Visa Checkout API Key: Enter visa checkout API key provided by payment gateway.
- Payment Action: Select one of the payment actions for the payment capture.
- Authorize: Authorizes and validates card for the order amount. The admin has to manually capture the amount (by generating invoice using “Capture Online” option) within the authorization hold period which is 30 days for payment gateway.
- Authorize and Capture: Authorizes and captures the order amount immediately.
- Payment from Applicable Countries: Select all or selected countries to allow payments using Payment.
- Enable Visa Checkout Button on Product Page: Select YES to enable visa checkout button on the product page.
- Enable Visa Checkout Button in Cart: Select YES to enable visa checkout button on the cart page.
- Remove Requirement for phone numbers on visa checkout orders: Select YES to remove phone number as a mandatory field for visa checkout orders.
- Sort Order: Enter sort order of the payment method.
- Credit Card:
- Enabled: Enable credit card payment method from here.
- Title: Enter title for the credit card method to show in the frontend.
- Payment Action: Select one of the payment actions for the payment capture.
- Authorize: Authorizes and validates card for the order amount. The admin has to manually capture the amount (by generating invoice using “Capture Online” option) within the authorization hold period which is 30 days for payment gateway.
- Authorize and Capture: Authorizes and captures the order amount immediately.
- Payment from Applicable Countries: Select all or selected countries to allow payments using Payment.
- Credit Card Types: Select credit card types to allow payment by customers when they use credit card payment method.
- Enable Vault: Set YES to enable vault to allow customers save cards for future transactions.
- Require CVV for Vault on Frontend: Select YES to mandate CVV while placing order from frontend using stored credit cards.
- Require CVV for Vault on Backend: Select YES to mandate CVV while placing order from backend using stored credit cards.
- Enable 3D Secure Card Validation: Select YES to enable 3D secure card validation.
- Sort Order: Enter sort order of the payment method.
- eCheck:
- Enabled: Enable eCheck payment method from here.
- Title: Enter title for the eCheck method to show in the frontend.
- Payment from Applicable Countries: Select all or selected countries to allow payments using Payment.
- Order Agreement: Enter order agreement text.
- Enable Vault: Set YES to enable vault to allow customers save cards for future transactions.
- Sort Order: Enter sort order of the payment method.
- Centinel 3D Secure Configuration:
- Test Mode: Enable test mode from here.
- API ID: Enter API ID for Centinel.
- Org Unit ID: Enter org unit ID for Centinel.
- API Key: Enter API key for Centinel.
- PayPal Express:
- Enabled: Enable PayPal Express payment method from here.
- Title: Enter title for the PayPal Express method to show in the frontend.
- Payment Action: Select one of the payment actions for the payment capture.
- Authorize: Authorizes and validates card for the order amount. The admin has to manually capture the amount (by generating invoice using “Capture Online” option) within the authorization hold period which is 30 days for payment gateway.
- Authorize and Capture: Authorizes and captures the order amount immediately.
- Payment from Applicable Countries: Select all or selected countries to allow payments using Payment.
- Sort Order: Enter sort order of the payment method.
- Webhooks
Click to get status update for Webhook.
- Payment Method in Frontend
Once the extension is configured, it can be seen enabled in the frontend. Simply add products to cart and go to the check out, you can see the CIM method enabled. Select it, enter the card details and click “Place Order” to finish payment and place the order successfully. The customers can tick the box “Save for later use” to save the card for future transactions.
- CIM Details in My Account Section
Immediately after the order is placed, the payment details can be seen in order view tab under the customer’s My Account section.
- Payment Stored Cards
If the vault is enabled and the customers have ticked the box from the checkout page to save the cards for the future transactions, they can see stored cards in their My Account section under “Stored Payment Methods” tab.
Apart from the customer’s My Account section, the admin can see payment details from the Sales à Orders à Order View section in the backend.
- Payment Method for Backend Order
Just as the frontend, payment method also works with the backend orders. Admin needs to create a new order, select the customer, add products, enter the address details and select payment method, add card details and click “Submit Order” to place order from the backend using the payment method.