Magento 2 Shipping Per Product

Magento 2 Shipping Per Product allows you charging different Flat Shipping Rates for each products on your Magento 2 stores.


Table of Content

  1. Extension Installation Guide
  2. Configuration
  3. Set Shipping Rates for Individual Product
  4. Shipping Per Product in Frontend
  5. Shipping Per Product Details in Backend


  1. Extension Installation
  • Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.
    • Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
  • php bin/magento cache:flush
  1. Configuration
    For configuring the extension, login to Magento 2, move to Sales à Shipping Methods à Shipping Per Product where you can find various settings to enable the extension.
  • Enabled: Set “YES” to enable shipping per product extension.
  • Title: Enter title for the shipping method.
  • Shipping Rate: Select how you want to calculate the shipping rate.
    • Per Item: Rate will be calculated item wise.
    • Per Order: Rate will be calculated order wise.
  • Shipping Rate Calculation: Select one of the calculation methods for the shipping rate.
    • Sum of Rate: Charges sum of shipping rate per item/order.
    • Maximum Value: Charges the maximum calculated rate per item/order.
    • Minimum Value: Charges the minimum calculated rate per item/order.
  • Method Name: Enter method name for the shipping method
  • Default Product Shipping Cost: Select YES to set default shipping rate when unassigned to individual product.
  • Default Rate per Item: Enter default shipping rate to charge per product
  • Handling Fee: Add handling fee if you want to apply on orders.
  • Ship to applicable countries: Select all allowed countries to enable shipping per product for
  • Ship to specific countries: Select countries to enable shipping per product for.
  • Displayed error message: Set error message to show for unavailability of the shipping method
  • Show method only for admin: Set “Yes” to enable shipping per product for admin only.
  • Minimum Order Amount: Specify minimum order amount to enable shipping per product.
  • Maximum Order Amount: Specify maximum order amount to enable shipping per product.
  • Sort Order: Add sort order of the method


  1. Set Shipping Rates for Individual Product
    To set individual shipping rate for each product, go to Catalog à Products and select the product for which you want to set shipping rate. Edit it and you can find Shipping rate option to add rate as per your requirement.



  1. Shipping Per Product in Frontend
    Once you have set individual shipping rates and default rate, you can see shipping rates extension enabled in frontend. After adding products to cart, shipping per product method is calculated and charged as shown in the below table.
Shipping Rate per Product 1Shipping Rate per Product 2Quantity for product 1 added to cartQuantity for product 2 added to cartShipping MethodCalculation TypeHandling FeeTotal Shipping Rate
102022Per OrderSum of Rate535
102022Per ItemSum of Rate565
102022Per OrderMaximum Value525
102022Per ItemMaximum Value545
102022Per OrderMinimum Value515
102022Per ItemMinimum Value525


  • Shipping per Product on Cart Page – per Order – Sum of Rates
    When the shipping method is set up Per Order and calculation method is set to Sum of Rate, and if 2 quantities for 2 products with different individual shipping rates is added to the cart, shipping rate is charged as shown below.


  • Shipping per Product on Cart Page – per Item – Sum of Rates
    When the shipping method is set up Per Item and calculation method is set to Sum of Rate, and if 2 quantities for 2 products with different individual shipping rates is added to the cart, shipping rate is charged as shown below.


  • Shipping Per Product on Checkout Page
    Shipping Per Product shipping method applied on order at checkout page.


  • Shipping Per Product in “My Account” Section
    Once the order is placed using shipping per product shipping method, under “My Orders” tab, shipping  details is seen with the name of the shipping method.


  1. Shipping Per Product Details in Backend
    Apart from the frontend, the Shipping Per Product method details can also be seen from the backend under Sales à Orders. The below image shows Order View where shipping per product shipping details are visible.