Magento 2 Google Rich Snippets

Table of Contents

1. Extension Installation

2. Back end Configuration

2.1 Breadcrumbs Schema

2.2 Website Name Schema

2.3 Organization Schema

2.4 Sitelinks Search Box Schema

2.5 Product Schema

2.6 Local Business Schema

2.7 Bonus: Social Meta Tags

1. Extension Installation

For Magento Marketplace Customers

Find the extension’s Composer name and version in its composer.json file.

  • Login to your SSH and run:

    • composer require meetanshi/magento-2-google-rich-snippets

  • Enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.

  • Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.

  • To verify that the extension is installed properly, run the command:

    • php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_RichSnippet

  • By default, the extension is probably disabled. Enable the extension and clear static view files:

    • php bin/magento module:enable Meetanshi_RichSnippet  --clear-static-content

    • php bin/magento setup:upgrade

    • For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

    • For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f

    • php bin/magento cache:flush 

For Meetanshi Customers

  • Download the extension zip file and extract it to your Magento’s root directory.

  • Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:

  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade

  • For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

  • For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f

  • php bin/magento cache:flush

2. Back end Configuration

Rich snippets are structured data that search engines can understand and use to display more informative search results. This guide will help you configure the Meetanshi Rich Snippets extension in your Magento 2 store.


Navigate to Catalog > Configuration. In the left panel, expand Meetanshi and select Rich Snippets.

  • Extension Functionality: Select Enable to add schema markup to your website.

Once enabled, you can configure each schema type in the Magento store.

2.1 Breadcrumbs Schema

You can configure the breadcrumbs schema in your store. Expand the Breadcrumbs Schema section and configure these settings:

  • Status: Select Enable to add schema markup for breadcrumbs on your site.

  • Custom Title for “Home”: Select Yes if you want to add a custom title for your website homepage. 

  • Custom Title: Enter a custom title for the website homepage (it will be added to breadcrumbs root)

Example of breadcrumbs on Google SERP:

2.2 Website Name Schema

The website name is displayed on the top of the results snippet on Google. You can configure the Website schema in your store. Expand the Website Name Schema section and configure these settings:

  • Status: Select Enable to add the website name in schema markup.

  • Website Name: Enter your website name (for e.g. Meetanshi)  

The Website Name Schema helps search engines understand your website's name. This information can be displayed in search results as a rich snippet, enhancing your website's visibility and click-through rate.

For example, here’s how it’s displayed:

2.3 Organization Schema

To enable the product schema, simply check the Status Dropdown and save the configuration. This will allow Google to display rich product information in search results, making it easier for customers to find and purchase your products.

Expand the Organization Schema section and configure these settings:

  • Status: Select Enable to add Organization Schema on your site.

  • Show only on HomePage: Select Yes to show the organization schema only on your homepage. If you want it to appear on all pages, select No.

  • Organization Name: Enter your business name (e.g. Meetanshi).

  • Logo Url: Enter the URL of your company’s logo (e.g.

  • Description: Enter a brief description of your business.

  • Email: Enter an email address where the customers can contact you.

  • Country: From the dropdown, select a country where your business is located.

  • Region/State: Enter your business's state or province.

  • ZIP/Postal Code: Enter your business's ZIP or postal code.

  • City: Enter your business's city.

  • Street Address: Enter your business's street address.

  • Contact Number (Sales): Enter your sales department's contact number.

  • Contact Number (Tech. Support): Enter your technical support department's contact number.

  • Contact Number (Customer Service): Enter your customer service department's contact number.

Expand the Social Profiles section and configure these settings:

  • Enable: Select Enable from Dropdown allows you to enable the social profiles section.

You can find various fields to enter links to your social media profiles like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and others.


The Organization Schema provides search engines with essential information about your business, such as your name, logo, contact details, and location. This can enhance your website's visibility in search results and help customers find your business.
 For example, here’s how it’s displayed:


2.4 Sitelinks Search Box Schema

To enable the sitelinks search box schema, simply Select Yes From Dropdown  and save the configuration. This will allow Google to display a search input box for your homepage in search results, making it easier for users to find what they're looking for on your website.

For example, here’s how it’s displayed:

2.5 Product Schema

This will allow Google to display rich product information in search results, making it easier for customers to find and purchase your products.

  • Status: Select Yes to enable the product schema.

  • Show Availability: This Dropdown allows you to show product availability information in search results.

  • Show All Images: Select Yes to show all product images in search results.

  • Add Configurable Products as Variant: Select Yes to add configurable product variants as individual products in search results.

  • Default Value for priceValidUntil: This field allows you to set a default value for the priceValidUntil property in the product schema. This property specifies the date until which the product's price is valid.

  • Use "Special Price To" Value for priceValidUntil Snippet: This option allows you to use the "Special Price To" date for the priceValidUntil property in the product schema.

  • Show Item Condition: Select Yes to show the product's item condition in search results.

  • Price Offer for Configurable Products: You can choose from the following options:

    • Main Offer: Displays the price of the primary product in the offer

    • List of Associated Products Offers: Displays prices of all the variants in the configuration product

    • Aggregate Offer: Displays an aggregated offer for all the product variants 

  • Price Offer for Grouped Products:  Same options as above

  • Description: Select the attribute you want to use for the description in the product schema. You can choose from:

    • Short description

    • Long description

    • Meta description

  • Show Ratings: This Dropdown allows you to show product ratings and reviews in search results.


  • Ratings Format: You can set the ratings format from the following:

    • Percentage Scale: The ratings are displayed as percentage (e.g. 95% positive reviews)

    • Numeric Scale: The ratings are displayed as numbers e.g. 5.0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(62) 

  • Brand Attribute: Select the Magento attribute that contains the product's brand name.

  • Manufacturer: Select the Magento attribute that contains the product's manufacturer name.

  • Custom Properties: You can add custom properties and assign attribute values to them. You can add the property name and attribute name separated by comma

    • For e.g.: MNP, price (this will add a new property called MNP and assign price attribute value to it from the product)

  • Max. Number of Reviews to Include: Specify the maximum number of reviews to include in the product schema.

For example, here’s how it’s displayed:

By configuring the merchant listing schema properties, you can also make your products eligible for the merchant listing, like:

2.6 Local Business Schema

The Local Business Schema provides search engines with information about your physical location, making it easier for customers to find your business. This can improve your local search rankings and drive more foot traffic to your store.

You can configure the Local Business Schema in your store. Expand the Local Business Schema section and configure these settings:

  • Status : This Dropdown allows you to enable the product schema.

  • Business Name: Enter your business name.

  • Business Type: Select the most specific business type that is applicable (e.g., ComputerStore, ClothingStore).

  • Logo URL: Enter the URL of the logo image.

  • Street Address: Enter your business's street address.

  • Locality: Enter your city, town, or village.

  • Region: Enter region.

  • Postal Code: Enter your Postal code.

  • Country: Select your country from the dropdown.

  • Email: This field allows you to enter your business's email address.

  • Telephone: This field allows you to enter your business's phone number.

  • Geo: Latitude: This field allows you to enter your business's latitude coordinate.

  • Geo: Longitude: This field allows you to enter your business's longitude coordinate.

  • Price Range: This field allows you to specify your business's price range. You can use a string of dollar symbols (e.g., $, $$, $$$) or a numerical range (e.g., $10-15).

  • Opening Hours: This section allows you to configure your business's opening hours. You can add multiple opening hours for different days of the week.

For example, here’s how it’s displayed:

2.7 Bonus: Social Meta Tags

This will allow your website to display rich snippets on social media platforms, making it easier for users to share and engage with your content.

  • Twitter Username: This field allows you to enter your business's Twitter username.

  • Facebook App ID: This field allows you to enter your Facebook App ID. The Facebook App ID will be added to the Open Graph markup if enabled.

  • OpenGraph: This Dropdown allows you to enable Open Graph markup for product pages.

  • Twitter Summary Cards: This Dropdown allows you to enable Twitter Summary Cards for product pages.

  • OpenGraph: This Dropdown allows you to enable Open Graph markup for CMS pages.

  • OpenGraph: Title: This Dropdown allows you to include the page title in the Open Graph markup.

  • OpenGraph: Description: This Dropdown allows you to include the page description in the Open Graph markup.

  • OpenGraph: Images: This Dropdown allows you to include images from the page in the Open Graph markup.

  • Twitter Summary Cards: This Dropdown allows you to enable Twitter Summary Cards for CMS pages.

For example, here’s how it’s displayed: