Magento 2 Product Tabs extension enables unlimited custom tabs on the product page to display additional information that convinces users for purchase.
Table of Content
- For Magento Marketplace Customers
- Find the Composer name and version of the extension in the extension’s composer.json file.
- Login to your SSH and run:
- composer require meetanshi/magento-2-product-tab
- Enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.
- Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.
- To verify that the extension installed properly, run the command:
- php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_ProductTab
- By default, the extension is probably disabled.
- Enable the extension and clear static view files:
- php bin/magento module:enable Meetanshi_ProductTab --clear-static-content
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
- php bin/magento cache:flush
- php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_ProductTab
- For Meetanshi Customers
- Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.
- Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
- php bin/magento cache:flush
To configure the extension, login to Magento 2, move to Stores à Configuration à Meetanshi à Product Tabs where you can find setting to configure the extension.
- Product Tabs: Enable or disable the extension from here.
- Hide Default Product Tabs: Select YES to hide default Magento product tabs.
- Enable Product Recommendation Blocks: Select YES to enable related, cross-sell and up-sell product recommendation blocks.
- Manage Product Tabs
After enabling the extension, move to Catalog > Product Tabs > Manage Product Tabs where you can see already created and saved product tabs enlisted.
- Add New Product Tab
Click “Add New Product Tab” button to add new custom product tab on the product page.- General Settings:
- Active: Select YES to activate the product tab on the product page in frontend.
- Title: Enter title of the product tab to show on the product page.
- Content: Enter the content to show under the product tab.
- General Settings:
Note: If you have hidden the default product tabs and still want to use its content in the custom product tab, simply add the short code to the WYSIWYG editor:
- “Details” tab: {{block class="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Description" at_call="getDescription" at_code=" description" css_class="description" at_label="none" name="" template="Magento_Catalog::product/view/attribute.phtml" }}
- “Information” tab: {{block class="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Attributes" template="Magento_Catalog::product/view/attributes.phtml"}}
- “Reviews” tab: {{block class="Magento\Review\Block\Product\Review" name="" as="reviews" template="Magento_Review::review.phtml" group="detailed_info"}}
{{block class="Magento\Review\Block\Form" name="" as="review_form"}}-
- Customer Groups: Select the customer groups to which you want to show the product tab.
- Store Views: Select the store views to which you want to show the product tab.
- Position: Enter the position in which you want to arrange the product tab in the product page.
- Visible Only to Customers Who Purchased “Assigned Products”: Select YES to show the product tab only to the customers who purchased the product.
- Related, Up-Sell, Cross-Sell Display Settings:
- Show Related Product Block: Select YES to show related product recommendation block under the product tab.
- Show Up-Sell Product Block: Select YES to show up-sell product recommendation block under the product tab.
- Show Cross-Sell Product Block: Select YES to show cross-sell product recommendation block under the product tab.
- Related, Up-Sell, Cross-Sell Display Settings:
- Assign Attributes
Assign attributes to show under the product tab.
- Assign Attributes
- Assign Tab to Products
Set conditions if you want to assign product tab only to the specific products. Leave blank to show the product tab to all the products.
- Assign Tab to Products
- Product Tabs in Frontend
After configuring the extension, users can see product tabs on product page with the added content, assigned attributes and product recommendation block if enabled.