Magento 2 Google Sitemap

Magento 2 Google Sitemap generates XML and HTML sitemaps to Index and crawl your pages faster, make your store visible in search results, get more organic traffic and help customers navigate the site easily.


Table of Content

  1. Extension Installation Guide
  2. XML Sitemap Settings
  3. Auto Sitemap Generation Settings
  4. HTML Sitemap Settings
  5. Manage XML Sitemaps
  6. XML and HTML Sitemaps in Frontend


  1. Extension Installation
  • For Meetanshi Customers
    • Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.
    • Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:
      • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
      • For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
      • For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
      • php bin/magento cache:flush


  1. XML Sitemap Settings
    For configuring the extension, log in to Magento 2, move to Google Sitemap à Configuration where you can find various settings to enable both the XML and HTML sitemaps. An XML sitemap acts as a roadmap of your website that leads Google to all your important pages. 
    • XML Sitemap: Enable Google XML Sitemap from here.
    • Enable Homepage Optimization: Enable to remove the link of the CMS page having “home” from the sitemap.
    • Enable Additional Links: Set YES to add more custom links into the sitemap XML file.
    • Additional Links: Enter one link per line to include in the XML sitemap.
    • Include Images in Sitemap: Only for product images. Setting YES includes product image URLs in the sitemap.
    • Maximum Number of URLs per File: Enter the maximum number of URLs included in a single sitemap file.
    • Maximum File Size: Set the maximum file size in bytes of an XML sitemap file.


  1. Auto Sitemap Generation Settings
    The extension facilitates to schedule auto sitemap updation on regular intervals. Enable the auto sitemap generation settings to automate sitemap update on timely basis.
  • Update Frequency: Enter number of days after which the XML sitemap should be updated automatically.
  • Send Sitemap Error Email: Set YES to send sitemap error, if any, occurs while sitemap auto updation.
  • Email ID of Recipient: Enter Email ID of the recipient on which you want to receive sitemap error email notification.
  • Email Sender: Select the Email sender.
  • Error Email Template: Select the error Email template.


  1. HTML Sitemap Settings
    Along with the XML sitemap, the extension allows generating HTML sitemap. It is a bulleted outline text version of the site navigation. It allows site visitors to easily navigate a website. 
  • HTML Sitemap: Enable Google HTML Sitemap from here.
  • Category URLs in Sitemap: Select Include to include category URLs in HTML sitemap.
  • Product URLs in Sitemap: Select Include to include product URLs in HTML sitemap.
  • CMS Pages URLs in Sitemap: Select Include to include CMS pages URLs in HTML sitemap.
  • Exclude CMS Pages: Select the CMS pages to exclude from the HTML sitemap.
  • Enable Additional Links: Set YES to add more custom links into the HTML sitemap.
  • Additional Links: Enter one link per line to include in the HTML sitemap.
  • Sitemap link to Footer: Select YES to add HTML sitemap link into the footer for users to easily find the HTML sitemap.


  1. Manage XML Sitemaps
    The extension facilitates to manage and add sitemaps through a separate backend grid named “Manage XML Sitemaps”. Here, you can see the sitemap generation details like ID, file name, path, URL, store view and sitemap generation date and time.


  • Add Sitemap
    On click of “Add Sitemap” button, one can add a new sitemap.
    • File Name: Enter the file name of the XML sitemap.
    • Path: Enter the location where the sitemap resides on the server. 
    • Store View: Select the store view for which the sitemap applies.



  1. XML and HTML Sitemaps in Frontend
    Immediately after the successful sitemap generation, both the XML and HTML sitemaps can be seen.
  • XML Sitemap Index file
    Sitemap index file handles multiple sitemap files. Sitemap index files can be viewed as a directory that provides information about the website in XML format for search engines. Sitemap index file positively influences indexing by notifying a crawler and includes the information on where to search for sitemaps and when the sitemaps have last been modified.


  • XML Sitemap File
    The XML sitemap file includes information about the pages and other files on your site. An XML sitemap tells Google about the important pages of the website and provides valuable information about the same like: number of URLs included, when a particular URL was modified recently, etc.


  • HTML Sitemap Link in Footer
    If you have enabled the option to show HTML sitemap link to footer, users can see the link and click on it to view the HTML sitemap.


  • HTML Sitemap
    On click of the HTML sitemap link from the footer, users can see HTML sitemap page having all the pages included as in the configuration.