Magento 2 Bulk SMS Marketing facilitates to create SMS campaigns for marketing or promotion of your store offers and deals to send bulk SMSs on customers' mobile numbers.
Table of Content
- Extension Installation
- Twilio Registration
- Msg91 Registration
- Configuration
- API Settings
- API Testing
- Import Phonebook Contacts
- Manage Phonebook
- Manage Campaigns
- Marketing SMS in Customers’ Mobile Numbers
- SMS Logs
For Magento Marketplace Customers:
Find the extension’s Composer name and version in its composer.json file.
- Login to your SSH and run:
- composer require meetanshi/magento2-bulk-sms-marketing
- Enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.
- Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.
- To verify that the extension is installed properly, run the command:
- php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_Bulksms
- By default, the extension is probably disabled. Enable the extension and clear static view files:
- php bin/magento module:enable Meetanshi_Bulksms --clear-static-content
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
- php bin/magento cache:flush
- Login to your SSH and run:
- For Meetanshi Customers:
- Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.
- Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:
- composer require twilio/sdk
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy–f
- php bin/magento cache:flush
- That's it.
Note: Don’t forget to install Twilio library even if you are not using Twilio SMS gateway for our extension.
- Twilio Registration
If you are going to use Twilio as an SMS gateway to send OTP, you need to register with the Twilio to get Account SID, Auth Token and Twilio Phone Number.
- First of all, Sign Up for the Twilio account. Add the details and click to get started.
- After the Email verification, enter your mobile number and click to “Verify”.
- Once you click “Verify”, you will get an OTP on the added mobile number. Enter the OTP and verify the mobile number. Now move to Settings > General where you can see API details both for live and testing. Copy the Account SID and Auth Token to use them in Magento backend configuration for Twilio account.
- Now, click three dots from the left sidebar, go to Programmable SMS and click Build under the Learn and Build option. From here, you can get Twilio phone number to use for sending the SMSs. Click on the “Get a number” button.
- You will get a number to choose from. Click “Choose This Number”.
- Once you click the button, you will get a Twilio phone number. Copy this number and set it in the Magento backend configuration for Twilio account.
- Msg91 Registration
The extension allows configuration of the Msg91 SMS gateway to send OTP for the mobile verification. If you choose to use Msg91 SMS gateway integration, follow the steps below to get sender ID and API key.
- Visit Enter the details and click to sign up.
- You will get and code or a magic link in the Email to verify the Email address.
- You will be asked to enter the mobile number for verification.
- Enter the OTP to verify the mobile number and you will be registered successfully. Login with the credentials.
- Under the settings, you can find the Sender ID which you need to copy and paste in the Magento configuration.
- Now move to API, where you can find the API key for the Magento configuration.
- You can find the Message type under the Send SMS tab. Select the SMS type in Msg91 configuration in Magento as per your requirement.
- Configuration
For configuring the extension, login to Magento 2, move to Stores > Configuration > Bulk SMS Marketing where you can find various settings to enable the extension.
- Bulk SMS Marketing: Enable the Bulk SMS Marketing extension.
- API Settings
Configure the API settings using the details received while registering with the SMS gateway:
- API Provider: Select API provider to integrate the extension with the preferred SMS gateway to send SMS.
- Sender ID: Add the sender ID.
- Message Type: Select the message type to be sent to customers from the drop-down menu.
- API URL: Add the API key received while registration with the SMS gateway.
- Authorization Key: Add authorization key received while registration with the SMS gateway.
- API Testing
The extension facilitates to test the API connection after the API Settings are configured. Simply add the mobile number with the country code, save the configuration and then click on the “Send” button to get the test SMS.
- Import Phonebook Contacts
Upload the CSV having the customers with the mobile numbers to import and save in the phonebook. These contacts will be used to send bulk marketing SMS. You can download the sample CSV to have a look at the format.
- Import: Upload the CSV file with customers mobile numbers.
- Manage Phonebook
Once you upload the CSV with contact details, they get saved in Marketing > Manage Phonebook. You can delete contacts in bulk and also export them from here.
- Manage Campaigns
Already created and saved campaigns are enlisted in Marketing > Manage Campaigns along with the details like name, SMS text, schedule and status. You can create new SMS campaigns, schedule them and send SMSs in bulk from here. Also, you can run the campaign immediately after the creation using the “Run Now” button.
- Add New Campaign
Click on “Add New Campaign” to create a new SMS campaign to send marketing SMSs in bulk.- Campaign Name: Add a campaign name.
- SMS Marketing Text: Add the SMS marketing text to be sent to the customers via SMS.
- Campaign Schedule: Set the date of the campaign to run and send SMSs.
- Select Hours: Set the hours of the selected date to run the campaign on.
- Status: Enable the campaign from here.
- Add Contacts
Assign the contacts from the phonebook here to which you want to send the bulk marketing SMS on the scheduled campaign date and time.
- Marketing SMS in Customers’ Mobile Numbers
On the scheduled date and time, the SMS campaign automatically sends the marketing SMSs in bulk to the selected contacts. The customers get the marketing SMS with the marketing text.
- SMS Logs
Immediately after the bulk marketing SMSs are sent to the customers’ mobile number, their logs get saved under Marketing > SMS Logs with the details like API provider, mobile number, SMS text, message SID and status. You can delete and export the SMS logs from here.