Magento 2 GDPR extension helps comply your Magento 2 stores with the latest EU's GDPR regulations and legislative requirements.
Table of Content
- Extension Installation Guide
- Configuration
- Personal Data Protection Settings
- Cookie & Cookie Group Consent Settings
- Consent Checkbox Settings
- Privacy Policy Document Settings
- For Magento Marketplace Customers
- Find the Composer name and version of the extension in the extension’s composer.json file.
- Login to your SSH and run:
- composer require meetanshi/magento-2-gdpr
- Enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.
- Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.
- To verify that the extension installed properly, run the command:
- php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_GDPR
- By default, the extension is probably disabled.
- Enable the extension and clear static view files:
- php bin/magento module:enable Meetanshi_ GDPR --clear-static-content
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
- php bin/magento cache:flush
- php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_GDPR
- For Meetanshi Customers
- Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.
- Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
- php bin/magento cache:flush
- Configuration
To configure the extension, login to Magento 2, move to Stores à Configuration à GDPR where you can find various settings to configure the extension.
- GDPR: Enable the GDPR extension from here.
- Personal Data Protection Settings
To configure the settings for personal data protection section, login to Magento backend, move to Stores à Configuration à Meetanshi à GDPR à Personal Data Protection Settings where you can find various settings to configure the extension. -
- General Settings:
- Enable: Select YES to enable the extension.
- Display Privacy Pop-up in First Visit: Select YES to display “Privacy Policy” tab in customer’s My Account section.
- Log Guest Consents: Select YES to log all consents given by guest visitors. It will be displayed in “Manage Consent Action Log Entries” grid.
- Log Auto Cleaning: Select YES to automatically clean entries from “Manage Consent Action Log Entries” grid.
- Log Auto Cleaning Period: Enter days after which you want the Consent Action Log Entries to automatically delete.
- Privacy Policy Pop-up on Frontend: The privacy policy popup is shown to the customers in the frontend as per the configuration.
3.2 Customer’s Account Privacy Settings
For customer’s account privacy related setting move to Stores à Configuration à Meetanshi à GDPR à Customer’s Account Privacy Settings where you can find various privacy related settings.
Following settings will be displayed in “Privacy policy” tab in customers account in frontend.
- Allow Downloading Personal Data: Select YES to add “Download Personal Data” section to customer account, to let customers download personal data in a CSV file.
- Allow Anonymizing Personal Data: Select YES to add “Anonymize personal Data” section to customer account, to allow customers to anonymize their personal data.
- Allow Deleting Personal Data: Select YES to add “Delete Account” section to customer account, to allow customers to delete personal data.
- Allow Opt-Out in Given Consents: Select YES to add “Given Consent” section to customer account, for customers to opt in or opt out.
- Download Fields with Filled Values Only: Select YES to skip empty values in the downloaded file.
- Display Data Protection Officer Information: Select YES to add “Data Protection Officer” section to customer account.
- Section Name: Add section name for the extra tab in frontend.
- Data Protection Officer Information: Enter information related to the data protection officer.
Privacy Policy in My Account:
The tab “Privacy Policy” in My Account section shows three buttons namely Download - to download the personal data in CSV file format stored in the website, Proceed - to submit account anonymization request to anonymize the personal data stored in the website and Submit Request - to request for account deletion along with all the order and personal data. Other information such as privacy policy, cookie policy and data protection officers’ information will also be displayed here.
- Personal Data Deletion and Anonymization Settings
To configure the automatic personal data deletion settings, move to Stores à Configuration à Meetanshi à GDPR à Personal Data Protection Settings à Personal Data Deletion and Anonymization Settings.
- Personal Data Deletion and Anonymization Settings
Extensively used for customers who stopped using your website, after certain time frame from their last order.
- Automatic Personal Data Deletion Settings:
- Delete Personal Data of Abandoned Customers' Accounts: Select YES to enable the deletion of personal data of abandoned customer accounts. Here, abandoned customers are the customers who has taken no actions with the website on or after the specified days in automatic deletion period below.
Data deleted on customers demand can cause issues for store owners in certain cases i.e., when the order is shipped and payment is due, in cases of suspected frauds, etc. Hence, this feature gives power to store owners to prevent personal data deletion.
- Automatic Personal Data Deletion Settings:
- Deletion of Personal Data in Recent Documents: Select “Don’t Delete” to prevent data deletion with recent orders.
- Prevent Data Deletion Period: Enter number of days for which you do not want the data to be automatically deleted.
- Allow/Don't allow for specified status(es): Select “Don’t Allow for Status(es)” if you don’t want to delete data or else select “Allow”.
- Disallowed Order Status(es): Select status(es) for which you don’t want to allow data deletion.
In the following Account, Account deletion request was not processed as the order status was pending.
- Email Notification Settings
Find email related settings in Stores à Configuration à Meetanshi à GDPR à Personal Data Protection Settings à Email Notification Settings.
- Email Notification Settings
- Anonymization Acknowledgement Email Notification to Customers: Anonymization acknowledgement email notification will be sent to customers on their request for account anonymization.
- Email Sender: Select email sender for anonymization acknowledgement email notification to customers.
- Email Reply To: Select email reply to anonymization acknowledgement email notification to customers.
Account Anonymization Confirmation Email:
Once users request to anonymize their personal data, they get an Email on registered ID prior to anonymization having Email ID to login even after the data is anonymized.
Account Anonymized in Frontend:
Account anonymized in frontend will be shown in My Accounts section of Customer’s Account. Below image has the preview of the same.
- Personal data Deletion Email Notification:
- New Deletion Request Email Notification to Manager: The manager will get notified through email about new personal data deletion request.
- Notify Manager on Deletion Request: Select Yes to notify manager about personal data deletion request.
- Email Sender: Select email sender for the personal data deletion request email.
- Send Email To: Enter email IDs to send the personal data deletion notification.
- Email Template To: Select Email template for personal data deletion request Email.
- New Deletion Request Email Notification to Manager: The manager will get notified through email about new personal data deletion request.
- Deletion Request Approval Email Notification to Customers: The Customers will be notified through email on the approval of their personal data deletion request.
- Email Sender: Select email sender for personal data deletion request approved.
- Email Reply To: Enter email ID to send reply to in case of queries.
- Email Template To: Select email template for personal data deletion request approved email notification.
- Deletion Request Approval Email Notification to Customers: The Customers will be notified through email on the approval of their personal data deletion request.
- Deletion Request Rejection Email Notification to Customers: Customers will be notified through email on the rejection of their personal data deletion request.
- Email Sender: Select email sender for personal data deletion request rejected.
- Email Reply To: Enter email ID to send reply to in case of queries.
- Email Template To: Select email template for personal data deletion request rejected email notification.
- Deletion Request Rejection Email Notification to Customers: Customers will be notified through email on the rejection of their personal data deletion request.
New Deletion Request Email Notification to Manager:
Once users have requested for account deletion the manager will be notified for the same. And can accept or reject the same from “Manage Deletion Requests” grid.
Once users request is approved by manager to delete their customer account, they get an Email on their registered Email ID.
Deletion Request Rejection Email Notification to Customers:
Once users request is rejected by manager to delete their customer account, they get an Email on their registered Email ID. Customers can fulfill their pending orders or due payments to proceed.
- Cookie and Cookie Group Consent Settings:
GDPR demands cookie consent and thus it is must to configure the following settings:
4.1 General Settings:
Find cookie related settings in Stores à Configuration à Meetanshi à GDPR à Cookie Consent Settings à General.
- Enable Cookie Policy Bar: Select YES to enable & display “Cookie Policy Bar” in privacy policy tab in customer’s account
- Hide the Cookie Bar if No Decision Was Taken: Select YES to hide the cookie bar if no decision is taken.
- Allowed Countries: Select countries from the drop-down menu to show cookie policy bar.
- Log Guest Cookie Consent: Select YES to log all consents given by guest visitors.
- Cookie Log Auto Cleaning Period: Enter the number of days to auto clean cookie consent log entries.
4.2 Cookie Notice Display Customization Settings:
Here you can setup all the options to make your cookie notice container look well.
- Notice Display Style: Select the notice display style from the drop-down menu.
- Pop-up Settings:
- Notification Text: Enter the text for cookie notice.
- Text Color: Use color picker to set the color of cookie notice text.
- Link Color: Use color picker to set the color of cookie notice link.
- Cookie Group Title Text Color: Use color picker to set the color of cookie group title.
- Cookie Group Description Text Color: Select color for cookie group description text.
- Accept Button Settings:
- Button Text: Enter button text.
- Button Color: Use color picker to set the color of the accept button.
- Button Color on Hover: Use color picker to set the color of the accept button on hover.
- Text Color: Use color picker to set the color of the accept button text.
- Text Color on Hover: Use color picker to set the color of the accept button text on hover.
- Decline Button Settings:
- Decline Button: Enable decline button from here.
- Button Text: Enter button text.
- Button Color: Use color picker to set the color of the decline button.
- Button Color on Hover: Use color picker to set the color of the decline button on hover.
- Text Color: Use color picker to set the color of the decline button text.
- Text Color on Hover: Use color picker to set the color of the decline button text on hover.
- Custom Button Settings:
- Button Text: Enter button text.
- Button Color: Use color picker to set the color of the custom button.
- Button Color on Hover: Use color picker to set the color of the custom button on hover.
- Text Color: Use color picker to set the color of the custom button text.
- Text Color on Hover: Use color picker to set the color of the custom button text on hover.
Cookie Notice Popup in Frontend: It contains cookie policy related text and buttons and will be displayed in the center of the page.
- Notification Text: Enter cookie notification text for cookie notice.
- Text Color: Use color picker to set the color of cookie notice text.
- Link Color: Use color picker to set the color of cookie notice link.
- Cookie Group Title Text Color: Use color picker to set the color of cookie group title.
- Cookie Group Description Text Color: Select color for cookie group description text.
Classic Bar Style in Frontend: classic bar contains cookie policy related text and buttons. it can be displayed either on top or in the footer of the page.
- Side Bar Style Settings:
- Notification Text: Enter cookie notification text for cookie notice.
- Text Color: Use color picker to set the color of cookie notice text.
- Link Color: Use color picker to set the color of cookie notice link.
- Cookie Group Title Text Color: Use color picker to set the color of cookie group title.
- Cookie Group Description Text Color: Select color for cookie group description text.
Side Bar Style in Frontend: It will be displayed on the side of the screen with toggles that contains additional information about cookie group
Manage cookies: To manage all the existing cookies, go to Customers à Manage Cookies. You can view cookie name, cookie provider, cookie group name, description, cookie lifetime cookie type from here. To add a cookie, click “New Cookie”. To delete cookie, tick and choose delete option from mass action.
- Cookie Name: Enter title for the cookie.
- Cookie Provider: Mention cookie provider.
- Description: Enter details about the cookie usage.
- Cookie Lifetime: Enter cookie lifetime, that will be displayed on the cookie CMS page.
- Cookie Type: Enter cookie type on the basis of data usage.
- Cookie Group: Assign cookie to a particular group.
Manage cookie Groups: To manage all the existing cookie groups, go to CustomersàManage Cookie Groups. You can assign cookies to essential & optional categories from here. To add a cookie group, click “Add New Group”. To delete cookie group, tick and choose delete option from mass action.
New Cookie Group Settings:
- Enabled: Switch the toggle to enable the cookie group.
- Is Essential: Switch the toggle to make the cookie group mandatory. Customers will have to allow this cookie to access the website.
- Cookie Group Code: Enter cookie group code.
- Cookie Group Name: Enter cookie group name which you want to display on Frontend to customers and on grid in admin panel.
- Description: Enter details about the cookie group. So that customers can decide whether to allow or not.
- Assigned Cookies: Select cookies to assign cookie group.
- Sort order: Enter the sort order for cookie group.
Cookie Groups on Frontend: Here is a preview of cookie groups on frontend, on clicking more information customers can view list of all cookies assigned to that group.
5. Consent Checkbox Settings
Manage Consent Checkboxes – The extension facilitates to create multiple independent checkboxes to find the same, go to Customersà Manage Consent Checkboxes. Here you can view, edit and add checkbox. To edit, click on edit option in Action column.
- New Consent Checkbox:
- Checkbox Name: Enter checkbox name.
- Checkbox Code: Set the code for the checkbox.
- Enabled: Switch the toggle to enable the checkbox.
- Confirmation Required: Switch the toggle to make the checkbox mandatory. Customers will have to allow this checkbox to access the website.
- Hide the Checkbox after User Gave the Consent: Hide the checkbox after the consent is taken.
- Log the Consent: Enable to log entries. Entries will be logged in “Manage Consent Checkboxes Log”.
- Checkbox Location: Select pages and forms to apply checkbox.
- Checkbox Priority: Enter priority for your checkbox.
- Checkbox Text: Enter text for consent checkbox.
- Consent Link Type: Select respective CMS page to link.
- Allowed Countries: Select countries where you want to display consent checkbox.
click “Save” to save the configuration.
A checkbox for users to agree with the privacy policy is displayed on the registration page as shown in the figure below. They cannot register without accepting the privacy policy.
Manage Consent Checkboxes Log:
You can collect data about all customer consents in one grid. Here you will also see if any customer has revoked optional consents at Account Privacy Settings.
Manage Deletion Requests:
When any customer requests for account deletion, the requests appear here. Navigate to Customersà Manage Deletion Requests. Admin can view, approve or delete the request with the mass action.
Manage Cookie Consents Log:
Please go to, Customersà Manage Cookie Consents Log. Admin can view all cookie related consents given by the customers here.
6. Privacy Policy Documentation Settings
Manage Privacy Policy Documents: To manage privacy policy documents, navigate to Customersà Manage Privacy Policy Documents. Admin can create, update and delete privacy policy from here. To Add new policy, click to “Add New Policy”.
- New Privacy Policy:
- Comment: Add the privacy policy title or any other comment for future references
- Version Number: Set the privacy policy version.
- Status: select the privacy policy status from the drop-down menu.
Privacy Policy on Frontend: Customers will receive privacy policy popup, as and when the policy