Magento 2 Surcharge

Magento 2 Surcharge extension allows admin to apply the surcharge for using specific payment methods, shipping methods, products, ordering from the specific countries & regions, through specific customer groups in Magento 2 store.


Table of Content

  1. Extension Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Product Surcharge Settings
  4. Country Surcharge Settings
  5. Region Surcharge Settings
  6. Customer Group Surcharge Settings
  7. Payment Surcharge Settings
  8. Minimum Order Amount Surcharge Settings
  9. Small Order Fee Settings
  10. Shipping Surcharge Settings
  11. Surcharge Applied on Orders in Frontend
  12. Surcharge Details in Backend


  1. Extension Installation
  • For Magento Marketplace Customers
    • Find the Composer name and version of the extension in the extension’s composer.json file.
    • Login to your SSH and run:
      • composer require meetanshi/magento-2-surcharge-fee --ignore-platform-reqs
    • Enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.
    • Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.
    • To verify that the extension installed properly, run the command:
      • php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_Surcharge --ignore-platform-reqs
          • By default, the extension is probably disabled.
          • Enable the extension and clear static view files:
      • php bin/magento module:enable Meetanshi_Surcharge --clear-static-content
      • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
      • For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
      • For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
      • php bin/magento cache:flush


  • For Meetanshi Customers
  • Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.
  • Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
  • php bin/magento cache:flush


  1. Configuration
    To configure the extension, login to Magento 2 backend, move to Stores à Configuration à Meetanshi à Surcharge where you can find various settings to configure the extension.
  • Surcharge: Enable or disable Surcharge extension from here.
  • Calculate Surcharge On: Select one of the options to calculate surcharge on.
    • Subtotal: Calculates and applies surcharge on the order subtotal.
    • Subtotal Incl. Tax: Calculates and applies surcharge on the order subtotal including tax.
    • Shipping: Calculates and applies surcharge on the shipping amount.
    • Shipping Incl. Tax: Calculates and applies surcharge on the shipping including tax.
    • Tax: Calculates and applies surcharge on the tax amount.
    • Exclude Discount: Calculates the surcharge amount and applies after subtracting the discount amount from the subtotal.
    • Grandtotal: Calculates and applies surcharge on the order grand total.


  1. Product Surcharge Settings
    Configure the settings to enable product surcharge.
  • Product Surcharge: Enable surcharge on purchasing products.
  • Surcharge Type: Select one of the options on how you want to calculate and apply surcharge on orders.
    • Highest Surcharge Amount per Order: Applies the highest surcharge amount of all products in the cart.
    • Lowest Surcharge Amount per Order: Applies the lowest surcharge amount of all products in the cart.
    • Per Product: Calculates and applies the sum of surcharge of all the products in the cart.
    • Per Item: Calculates and applies the sum of surcharge of all the product items in the cart.
  • Title: Enter the product surcharge title to display on cart, checkout, and other order pages.


To set product specific surcharge fee, go to Catalog > Products, edit a product, find the option “Surcharge Fee” and enter the surcharge fee amount for the product.


  1. Country Surcharge Settings
    Configure the settings to enable surcharge when someone orders from specific countries. You can enable up to 3 country surcharges.
  • Country Surcharge: Enable surcharge on purchasing from the specific countries.
  • Countries: Select the countries from the order of which you want to apply country surcharge.
  • Type: Select one of the options on how you want to calculate and apply country surcharge on orders.
  • Title: Enter the country surcharge title to display on cart, checkout, frontend and other order related pages.
  • Surcharge Fee Amount: Enter the surcharge fee amount.
  • Apply Surcharge on Customer Group: Select Yes to apply country surcharge only on the orders from some specific customer groups.


  1. Region Surcharge Settings
    Configure the settings to enable surcharge when someone orders from specific regions.
  • Region Surcharge: Enable surcharge on purchasing from the specific regions.
  • Regions: Select the regions from the order of which you want to apply region surcharge.
  • Title: Enter the region surcharge title to display on cart, checkout, frontend and other order related pages.
  • Surcharge Type: Select one of the options on how you want to calculate and apply region surcharge on orders.
  • Surcharge Fee Amount: Enter the surcharge fee amount.
  • Apply Surcharge on Customer Group: Select Yes to apply region surcharge only on the orders from some specific customer groups.


  1. Customer Group Surcharge Settings
    Configure the settings to enable surcharge when someone orders from specific customer groups. You can add up to 3 customer group surcharges.
  • Customer Group Surcharge: Enable surcharge on purchasing from the specific customer groups.
  • Type: Select one of the options on how you want to calculate and apply customer group surcharge on orders.
  • Title: Enter the customer group surcharge title to display on cart, checkout, frontend and other order related pages.
  • Surcharge Fee Amount: Enter the surcharge fee amount.
  • Customer Groups: Select the customer groups to which you want to apply customer group surcharge.


  1. Payment Surcharge Settings
    Configure the settings to enable surcharge when someone orders by using specific payment methods. You can add up to 3 payment surcharges.
  • Payment Surcharge: Enable surcharge on purchasing by using specific payment methods.
  • Payment Methods to Apply Surcharge: Select the payment methods on use of which you want to apply payment surcharge.
  • Title: Enter the payment surcharge title to display on cart, checkout, frontend and other order related pages.
  • Type: Select one of the options on how you want to calculate and apply payment surcharge on orders.
  • Surcharge Fee Amount: Enter the surcharge fee amount.
  • Apply Surcharge on Customer Group: Select Yes to apply payment surcharge only on the orders from some specific customer groups.


  1. Minimum Order Amount Surcharge Settings
    Configure the settings to enable surcharge when someone orders with the amount below the specified minimum order amount.
  • Enforce Minimum Amount: Enable surcharge on orders below specified minimum amount.
  • Title: Enter the minimum order amount surcharge title to display on cart, checkout, frontend and other order related pages.
  • Minimum Order Amount: Enter the minimum order amount to apply surcharge. Here, surcharge amount will be the difference between the current order amount and the specified minimum order amount.
  • Apply Surcharge on Customer Group: Select Yes to apply minimum order amount surcharge only on the orders from some specific customer groups.


  1. Small Order Fee Settings
    Configure the settings to enable small order fee when someone orders with the amount below the specified minimum order amount.
  • Small Order Fee: Enable small order fee on orders below specified minimum amount.
  • Type: Select one of the options on how you want to calculate and apply small order fee.
  • Title: Enter the small order fee title to display on cart, checkout, frontend and other order related pages.
  • Minimum Order Amount: Enter the minimum order amount to apply small order fee.
  • Surcharge Fee Amount: Enter the surcharge fee amount.
  • Apply Surcharge on Customer Group: Select Yes to apply small order fee only on the orders from some specific customer groups.




  1. Shipping Surcharge Settings
    Configure the settings to enable surcharge when someone orders using specific shipping methods. You can add up to 3 shipping method surcharges.
  • Shipping Surcharge: Enable surcharge on purchase by using specific shipping methods.
  • Calculate Surcharge On: Select one of the options for shipping method surcharge calculation.
    • Shipping Price: Select to calculate shipping surcharge amount based on the shipping price.
    • Value in Global Settings: Select to consider the global setting value under the calculate surcharge on option to calculate surcharge.
  • Shipping Methods to Apply Surcharge: Select the shipping methods on use of which you want to apply payment surcharge.
  • Title: Enter the shipping surcharge title to display on cart, checkout, frontend and other order related pages.
  • Type: Select one of the options on how you want to calculate and apply shipping surcharge on orders.
  • Surcharge Fee Amount: Enter the surcharge fee amount.
  • Apply Surcharge on Customer Group: Select Yes to apply payment surcharge only on the orders from some specific customer groups.


  1. Surcharge Applied on Orders in Frontend
    Once you've configured all the surcharge types, after adding the products to cart, various surcharges get applied on the order.
  • Surcharge on the Cart page – Not Logged-in Customer
    If a customer is not logged-in, various surcharges get applied based on the conditions met as per the configuration. The applied surcharge is shown on the cart page along with the respective surcharge title.



  • Surcharge on the Cart page – Logged-in Customer
    If a customer is logged-in, various surcharges get applied based on the conditions met as per the configuration. The applied surcharge is shown on the cart page along with the respective surcharge title.


  • Surcharge on the Checkout page
    All the applied surcharge is shown on the checkout page along with the respective surcharge title.


  • Surcharge Details in My Account Section
    After the order is placed successfully by a logged-in customer, all the applied surcharge details is shown customer’s My Account section under the My Orders > Order View.




  • Surcharge Details in Order Email
    The Surcharge details is also seen in the order confirmation email to the customer.


  1. Surcharge Details in Backend
    Apart from the frontend, the admin can also see the surcharge details from the backend under Sales à Orders à Order View. In addition to the order view section in the backend, surcharge details can be seen in order invoice, invoice PDF and credit memo section as well.
