Magento 2 WhatsApp Notifications sends WhatsApp notifications to customers, updating them about their store activities such as: order placement, invoice, order cancellation, shipment, etc.
Table of Content
- Extension Installation
- For Magento Marketplace Customers
- Find the Composer name and version of the extension in the extension’s composer.json file.
- Login to your SSH and run:
- composer require meetanshi/magento-2-whatsapp-notifications --ignore-platform-reqs
- composer require twilio/sdk --ignore-platform-reqs
- Enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.
- Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.
- To verify that the extension installed properly, run the command:
- php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_Wnotification --ignore-platform-reqs
- By default, the extension is probably disabled.
- Enable the extension and clear static view files:
- php bin/magento module:enable Meetanshi_Wnotification --clear-static-content
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
- php bin/magento cache:flush
- php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_Wnotification --ignore-platform-reqs
- For Magento Marketplace Customers
- For Meetanshi Customers
- Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.
- Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:
- composer require twilio/sdk
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
- php bin/magento cache:flush
- For Meetanshi Customers
Note: Don’t forget to install Twilio library else our extension will not work.
- Twilio Registration
To use Twilio as a gateway to send WhatsApp notifications, you need to register with Twilio to get Account SID, Auth Token and Twilio Phone Number.
- First of all, Sign Up for the Twilio account. Add the details and click to get started.
- After the Email verification, enter your mobile number and click to “Verify”.
- Once you click “Verify”, you will get an OTP on the added mobile number. Enter the OTP and verify the mobile number. Now move to Settings à General where you can see API details both for live and testing. Copy the Account SID and Auth Token to use them in Magento 2 backend configuration for Twilio account.
- Once you click “Verify”, you will get an OTP on the added mobile number. Enter the OTP and verify the mobile number. Now move to Settings à General where you can see API details both for live and testing. Copy the Account SID and Auth Token to use them in Magento 2 backend configuration for Twilio account.
- Now, click three dots from the left sidebar, go to Programmable SMS and click Build under the Learn and Build option. From here, you can get Twilio phone number to use for sending the SMSs. Click on the “Get a number” button.
- You will get a number to choose. Click “Choose This Number”.
- Once you click the button, you will get a Twilio phone number. Copy this number and set it in the Magento 2 backend configuration for Twilio account.
- Configuration
To configure the extension, log in to Magento backend, move to Stores à Configuration à WhatsApp Notifications where you can find various settings to configure the extension.
- WhatsApp Notifications: Enable or disable the WhatsApp Notifications extension.
- Admin Mobile Number: Enter mobile number of admin to receive the WhatsApp Notifications.
- API Settings
The extension provides integration with the Twilio 3rd party API. Register with Twilio, buy WhatsApp message credits, get API details to configure the API settings.
- API Provider: Select the API provider Twilio.
- Twilio SID: Enter Twilio SID received while registration with Twilio.
- Twilio Token: Enter Twilio token received while registration with Twilio.
- Twilio Number: Enter Twilio number received while registration with Twilio.
- Creating Twilio Message Templates
Once you configure the extension, login to your Twilio account, go to, and click the "plus" button to create your first Business Profile. Complete the form and submit your WhatsApp Business Profile request along with message templates.
Note: All Display Names must show consistency with the Business Name on the Facebook Business Manager provided. See Display Name rules.
Twilio will use this information to provision your Business Profile in the next 5-10 business days.
Once your WhatsApp Sender is approved and enabled, you can see your WhatsApp number with the approved status.
Under the “Message Templates” option, click + sign to add new message templates. Make use of variables to add the message text same as Magento backend. Follow this guide to write the message template in a proper format.
- WhatsApp API Testing
The extension facilitates to test the API connection after the API Settings are configured. Move to Stores à Configuration à WhatsApp API Testing and simply add the mobile number with the country code, save the configuration and then click on the “Send” button to get the test WhatsApp message.
- Mobile Number with Country Code: Enter mobile number with the country code.
- WhatsApp Text for Testing: Enter the test message and then click Send to test the WhatsApp message.
- Test WhatsApp message to the admin
A test message is sent to the respective number as shown below.
- Order Verification Notification Settings
The module allows the admin to verify customers’ orders by sending OTP in WhatsApp for the authenticity while order placement.
- Order Verification Notification: Enable the order verification OTP message to customers on WhatsApp to verify their orders.
- Button Text Color: Set text color for the button in the form.
- Button Background Color: Set background color for the button.
- Order Verification SMS Text: Enter WhatsApp message to send OTP for order verification to customers.
- Order Verification OTP Length: Add OTP length for the order verification.
- New order verification OTP to customer
When a customer places a new order, customer receives OTP in WhatsApp to verify the order.
- New order verification Pop-up
When a customer places the order, an OTP verification pop-up gets displayed. The customer has to enter the OTP received on the registered mobile number and click verify to place the order successfully.
- Mobile Number Update Settings
Enabling this feature helps users update their mobile numbers from their My Account section.
- Mobile Number Update in Customer Account: Enable to allow users update their mobile numbers from their “My Account” section.
- Button Text Color: Set color for the button text.
- Button Background Color: Set background color for the button.
- Update Mobile Number OTP SMS Text: Enter WhatsApp message to send to the customers for the mobile number verification.
- Update Mobile Number OTP Length: Set the length of OTP sent to the customers through WhatsApp message for the mobile number verification.
- Mobile Number Update from My Account section
- Order Placement Notification Settings
The module allows to send WhatsApp notifications to both the admin and customers when they place the order. To configure its settings, follow these steps as shown below:
- Order Placement Notification: Enable order placement WhatsApp notification to customers.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Customers: Enter the order placement WhatsApp notification text to send to customers.
- Order Placement Notification to Admin: Enable order placement WhatsApp notification to admin.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Admin: Enter order placement WhatsApp notification text to send to the admin.
Order placement WhatsApp notification is sent to the customer on his registered mobile number.
Admin is notified through WhatsApp when a new order is placed in the store as shown below:
- Order Invoice Notification Settings
You can send WhatsApp notifications to customers as well as admin to notify about order invoice generation once the following settings are configured:
- Order Invoice Notification: Enable order invoice WhatsApp notification to customers.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Customers: Enter the order invoice WhatsApp notification text to send to customers.
- Order Invoice Notification to Admin: Enable order invoice WhatsApp notification to admin.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Admin: Enter order invoice WhatsApp notification text to send to the admin.
When an order invoice is generated, a WhatsApp notification as shown below is sent to customers.
When an order invoice is generated, a WhatsApp notification is sent to the admin as shown here.
- Order Cancellation Notification Settings
To let customers know that their order has been cancelled successfully, a WhatsApp Notifications is sent. Additionally, admin is also notified of a cancelled order. Follow these steps to configure the notifications.
- Order Cancellation Notification: Enable order cancellation WhatsApp notification to customers.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Customers: Enter the order cancellation WhatsApp notification text to send to customers.
- Order Cancellation Notification to Admin: Enable order cancellation WhatsApp notification to admin.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Admin: Enter order cancellation WhatsApp notification text to send to the admin.
- Order Cancellation Notification to Admin
Whenever the admin cancels an order, the admin gets notified through WhatsApp for the same.
- Order Cancellation Notification to Customer
Customers get notified via WhatsApp message when the admin cancels the order.
- Order Shipment Notification Settings
Customers get notifications when their shipment is off for delivery. Admin is also notified for the same. This feature will be enabled when the following settings are configured:
- Order Shipment Notification: Enable order shipment WhatsApp notification to customers.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Customers: Enter the order shipment WhatsApp notification text to send to customers.
- Order Shipment Notification to Admin: Enable order shipment WhatsApp notification to admin.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Admin: Enter order shipment WhatsApp notification text to send to the admin.
Customers get notified at the time of order shipment via WhatsApp message as shown below:
- Order Shipment Notification to Admin
Once the order gets shipped and shipment is generated, admin gets notified by WhatsApp message as shown here.
- Credit Memo Notification Settings
The admin is sent a WhatsApp notification when a credit memo is generated. Similarly, to confirm with customers that their refund request has been accepted, a WhatsApp notification is sent to customers. Configure the following settings to enable this feature.
- Order Credit Memo Notification: Enable order credit memo WhatsApp notification to customers.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Customers: Enter the order credit memo WhatsApp notification text to send to customers.
- Order Credit Memo Notification to Admin: Enable order credit memo WhatsApp notification to admin.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Admin: Enter order credit memo WhatsApp notification text to send to the admin.
Whenever a customer request for the refund, the admin gets notified of new refund request submission notification via WhatsApp.
- Refund Request Approval Notification to Customer
A customer gets notified of refund request approval via WhatsApp as shown below:
- Contact Inquiry Notification Settings
Admin is notified through WhatsApp whenever there is a new contact inquiry. To enable this feature, configure following settings:
- Contact Inquiry Notification: Enable new contact inquiry WhatsApp notification to admin.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Admin: Enter contact inquiry notification WhatsApp message to send to the admin.
- New Contact Inquiry Notification to Admin
Whenever a customer inquires through submitting the contact form, admin is notified with a WhatsApp message.
- New Contact Inquiry Notification to Admin
- New Customer Registration Notification Settings
The admin is notified through WhatsApp when a new customer registration takes place. To enable this notification, following settings are to configured:
- New Customer Registration Notification: Enable new customer registration WhatsApp notification to admin.
- WhatsApp Notification Text for Admin: Add new customer registration WhatsApp notification text to send to admin.
- Customer Registration Form with Mobile Number
If customer registration verification is enabled, the registration form will have a mobile number field. On click of “Create an Account” button, the customer will get an OTP WhatsApp Message to verify the mobile number and register successfully.
- Customer Registration Form with Mobile Number
- OTP WhatsApp Message to Customers
Customer receives the OTP through WhatsApp message to verify the mobile number and can register successfully.
- New Customer Registration Notification to Admin
Whenever a new customer registers, admin is notified through WhatsApp as below:
- New Customer Registration Notification to Admin
- Review Reminder Notification Settings
The admin can now send review reminder WhatsApp notification to the customers and get notified when the customer submits a review. To enable this feature, following settings are to configured.
- WhatsApp Notification to Admin: Select Yes to enable new review submission WhatsApp notification to admin.
- WhatsApp Text for Admin Notification: Add new customer review submission WhatsApp notification message text to send to admin.
- WhatsApp Notification to Customer: Select YES to enable review reminder WhatsApp notification to customers.
- Send WhatsApp Notification to Customers After X Days: Add number of days after which you want to send review reminder WhatsApp notification to customers.
- Allowed Customer Groups: Select customer groups to send review reminders.
- WhatsApp Text for customer notification: Add review reminder WhatsApp message to send to customers.
- Product Review Reminder WhatsApp Notification to Customers
Customers will receive WhatsApp message asking for product review as below:
- Product Review Received WhatsApp Notification to Admin
The admin will receive WhatsApp notification immediately after a review is received for the products.
17. Country Flag Settings
You can enable the country flag for the mobile number fields in various forms. This helps users not to enter the country code manually while adding their mobile numbers.
- Enable: Enable country flag in various sign up, sign-in and mobile number update forms.
- Allowed Countries: Select countries for which you want to show the flag and allow users to add mobile numbers.
- Default Country: Set default country to show the default selected flag.
18. WhatsApp Notification Logs
The extension saves the log of all the sent and received WhatsApp notification. Go to Meetanshi WhatsApp Notification à WhatsApp Notification Logs where you can find all the WhatsApp Notification logs listed with the details like ID, mobile number, provider, response, message and date. The admin can delete the WhatsApp notification logs using the mass action. Also, the admin can export the logs in an XML or CSV file.