Magento 2 Product Testimonial

Magento 2 Product Testimonial helps to showcase customer reviews on a separate page with an amazing look to increase store credibility and impress visitors.


Table of Content

  1. Extension Installation Guide
  2. Configuration
  3. Testimonial Settings
  4. Privacy Checkbox Settings
  5. Email Settings
  6. Product Testimonial in Frontend
  7. Manage Product Testimonials from Backend


  1. Extension Installation
  • Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.
  • Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:
    • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    • For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    • For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
    • php bin/magento cache:flush
  • That’s it.


  1. Configuration
    For configuring the extension, log in to Magento 2, move to Stores > Configuration > Product Testimonial where you can find various settings to enable the extension.
  • Product Testimonial: Enable or disable the extension from here.
  • Page Title: Add the title for testimonial page in the frontend.


  1. Testimonial Settings
    Here you can find various settings related to adding testimonials, admin approval, and others.
  • Allowed Customer Groups: Select the customer groups to allow adding testimonials from the frontend.
  • Admin Approval Required: Set YES to mandate admin approval prior to posting the testimonials in the frontend. Otherwise, they will be posted automatically without the admin approval.
  • Show URL in Top Link: Set YES to show testimonial page URL in the top link.  
  • Show URL in Footer: Set YES to show testimonial page URL in the footer.
  • Auto Scroll Slider: Set YES to auto scroll the testimonial slider resided on the product page in a separate testimonial tab.


  1. Privacy Checkbox Settings
    The extension facilitates to comply with EU’s GDPR for showing privacy policy check box in the submit testimonial form. Define the settings for it from here.
  • Privacy Checkbox: Enable the privacy policy checkbox to show in the testimonial submission form.
  • Privacy Notice Text: Add the privacy notice text for customers to agree to prior testimonial submission.
  • Privacy Policy Redirection Page: Select the page to redirect customers to read privacy policy terms. 


  1. Email Settings
    The extension facilitates to send Email notifications to both the customers and admin. Settings for both can be defined here.
  • Admin Email ID: Enter the admin Email on which you want to receive new testimonial submission notification.
  • Email Sender: Select the Email sender.
  • Email Template for Customers: Select the Email template to send to the customers for acknowledgment of testimonial submission.
  • Email Template for Admin: Select the Email template to send admin new testimonial submission notification.


  1. Product Testimonial in Frontend
    Once the extension is configured, the testimonial page and tab are seen on the frontend.
  • Testimonial page
    Find the URL of the testimonial page either from the top link or in the footer. Once you click the URL, you can see all the testimonials listed together with the customer name, product name, photo and summarized review details.


  • Testimonial Tab in Product View Page
    Product specific testimonials can be seen in a tab named testimonials in the product page. The slider auto slides if enabled and shows customer reviews for the product one by one.


  • Testimonial Submission Form
    From the testimonial tab in the product page, clicking Submit Testimonial button will open a form to add personal details and submit the testimonial. Customers have to add their name, Email ID and summary of the review, provide star ratings and agree to privacy policy prior to the form submission.


  1. Manage Product Testimonials from Backend
    Once the testimonials are submitted, they get enlisted in the backend grid for the admin approval prior to posting. Go to Product Testimonial > Manage Product Testimonials to have a look at all the submitted testimonials. Admin can approve, disapprove and delete the testimonials from here.


  • Detailed Testimonial View
    Once the admin clicks to view the testimonial details, the detailed view of the testimonial gets opened as shown below.