Magento 2 GST India FAQs

How can I disable the display of subtotal bifurcation based on tax on the shopping cart page?

Before installing the Magento 2 GST extension, you may have set up some tax class and you may be displaying the subtotal bifurcation on cart page based on the set tax class. Now, after the GST extension is installed and tax class is set to None, you need to stop displaying bifurcated subtotal based on the tax, you can disable it from Stores > Configuration > Sales > Tax > Shopping Cart Display Settings and set the option “Display Subtotal” from “Including and Excluding Tax” to “...

How can I apply shipping GST on orders?

Simply enable the GST on shipping, enable GST on Shipping Charges from the Shipping GST settings. It will use the same GST rate set for the products.

How CGST-SGST, IGST or UTGST is calculated in the GST extension?

Magento 2 GST extension calculates CGST-SGST, IGST, and UTGST according to the Indian GST rules and regulations as stated below: Business State Shipping Destination Calculated GST State Same State CGST + SGST State Different State/Union Territory IGST Union Territory Same Union Territory CGST + UTGST Union Territory Different State/Union Territory IGST

How can I assign 2 different GST rates for two different price range?

The extension facilitates to apply a specific GST rate for the minimum product price you set. For the product prices below the minimum set price, you can set different GST rate. For example, if you want to charge 12% GST on product prices above 2000, and all the other with 5%, set GST Rate (in Percentage) = 12% Minimum Product Price Amount to Apply Above GST Rate = 2000 GST Rate To Apply Products Below Minimum Set Price = 5%

How can I add HSN code to my store products?

Go to Catalog > Products and select the product, open the GST India – Meetanshi tab and set HSN code for the product under the Product HSN Code option. Also, You can make use of CSV to bulk assign HSN codes to the thousands of your Magento 2 products. Upload your CSV with the product SKU and HSN code data at System > Data Transfer > Import > Select Products as Entity Type > Browse CSV.

Can I set different GST rates for my different products?

Yes, you can set product specific GST rates. Simply go to Catalog > Products and select the product, open the GST India – Meetanshi tab and setup GST rate specifically for the selected product.

I have products with 2 different GST rates under different categories, how can I set different rates in this case?

The extension facilitates to apply category specific GST rates. Simply go to Catalog > Categories and select the category for which you want to set up a different rate. Open GST India - Meetanshi tab and setup GST rate specifically for the selected category.

Why I can see both the GST and tax applied on my products?

Our extension is not developed based on the default Magento 2 tax class. If you have kept default tax class enabled even after installing our extension, you may get both (GST and Tax) applied on products. Make sure you replace the product tax class from "taxable goods" or any other tax classes to "none" to avoid charging both the default tax and GST.

Any of my shipping methods not loaded after installing GST in my Magento 2.2.3, how to solve the issue?

If you are using Magento 2.2.4 or below versions, you have to follow below steps: - Go to Magento_Root\vendor\temando\module-shipping-m2\etc\events.xml - Find the following code: <event name="sales_quote_address_save_after"> <observer name="temando_persist_checkout_fields" instance="Temando\Shipping\Observer\SaveCheckoutFieldsObserver"/> </event> - Replace With: <!--<event name="sales_quote_address_save_after"> <observer name="temando_persis...

How can I print Buyer GSTIN in order documents?

To display Buyer GSTIN in order view, invoice, order Email, PDF and credit memo, you have to paste below code at Stores > Configuration > Customers >Customer Configuration > Address Templates > both in HTML and PDF. {{depend buyer_gst_number}}Buyer GSTIN: {{var buyer_gst_number}}{{/depend}}

What is Buyer GSTIN and when should I enable it?

Buyer GSTIN is the GSTIN of your purchaser. You should enable it whenever you want your customers to enter their GSTIN to claim for input tax credit and adjust with his output tax liability under GST.