GPT in Sheets

Terms of Service

Welcome to "GPT in Google Sheets" by Meetanshi Inc.!


This app helps you unlock the power of GPT-3 technology within your Google Sheets experience. Generate text, translate languages, and perform various creative tasks directly within your spreadsheets.

User Agreement:

By using this app, you agree to these Terms of Service, which govern your access and use. Please read them carefully.


Meetanshi Inc. grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the app for your personal and commercial purposes, subject to the terms and limitations outlined here.

Service Availability:

We strive to make the app available 24/7, but interruptions may occur due to maintenance or technical issues.

Data and Privacy:

We take your data privacy seriously. We follow our Privacy Policy, which explains how we collect, use, and share your information. Please review it carefully.

Intellectual Property:

Meetanshi Inc. owns all intellectual property rights in the app. You may not copy, modify, or reverse engineer it.

Usage Restrictions:

Please use the app responsibly and ethically. Prohibited activities include:

  • Infringing on third-party rights.
  • Engaging in illegal activities.
  • Distributing harmful content.
  • Misusing the app's functionality.


If applicable, specific fees and payment procedures will be outlined here.

Termination Policy:

We may terminate your access to the app for violating these terms or for other legitimate reasons.

Warranties and Liabilities:

The app is provided "as is" without warranty. We are not liable for any damages arising from its use.

Changes to Terms:

We may update these Terms from time to time. We'll notify you of any significant changes.

Contact Info:

For support or inquiries, please contact us at [email address] or visit our website at [].

This is a simplified summary. Please refer to the actual Terms of Service for complete and accurate information.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions about specific clauses or require further clarification.